"Aikido" is three japanese words combined:

Taken together, these three words describe a martial art where students focus on developing an attitude, style, or carriage that deeply receives an attackers energy or force, and then redirects that energy to a harmless place.

Aikido is a purely defensive, non-violent martial art which uses the attacker's energy to pin or throw them. It has been called "the Art of Peace," for it teaches self-defense techniques designed to protect the attacker from harm. As much as it is a physical practice, it is also a study in:

When someone attacks, an aikidoist will move in the same direction and at the same speed as the attacker, blending with their energy without a hard impact. Once a connection is made, the aikidoist can then take control of the attacker's body with one of hundreds of techniques, and can then either pin them to the ground or throw them a short distance away.

Training at Aikido Decatur covers a collection of classical techniques, combined with free-style practice and the creation of scenarios where one can practice aikido in a wide variety of life situations.

While few of us end up in physical fights very often, we all engage in conversation, business dealings, or family dynamics that aikido principles directly apply to. By practicing physical aikido in class with a teacher, we can learn how to stay safe in all kinds of conflicts.

Aikido was discovered by Morihei Ueshiba O Sensei. Read More >>